A 13-week online course for those longing to reconnect with the richness of their inner life and authentic selves.
Commencing 12th January - 6th April 2025
Every Sunday 6.00-7.30pm GMT / 7.00-8.30pm CET / 10.00-11.30am PT
Join us for The Twelve Virtues of the Soul
How does prioritising Human Flourishing act as a catalyst for Business Prosperity?
In times past, the word "prosperous" was associated with financial abundance, while "flourishing" conveyed a sense of personal thriving. However, in the wake of tumultuous times filled with crises and disruptions, many are re-evaluating these definitions and what they truly mean in their lives. Conversations with leaders have revealed a common thread of existential questioning at executive and top management levels:
“How do I unlock the full potential of my team?”
”What does it take to catalyse culture change?”
”How do I build agility and resilience into the business?”
The answers to these questions suggest that genuine prosperity extends far beyond mere financial wealth, and flourishing emerges as a vital element for our future. It entails living authentically in accordance with one's values and fulfilling our basic human needs whether it be in the realms of health, well-being, living with purpose, connection, fulfillment and satisfaction or belonging.
Today, the challenge lies in both a philosophical understanding, psychological appreciation of what people are dealing with and a pragmatic implementation of living well to the best of our abilities.
Leading in uncertainty, requires a profound comprehension of relational intelligence, understanding in how to build trust and safety into the business culture, articulating and embodying company values that foster authenticity and integrity.

We partner with business leaders to implement programmes, fostering cultures where employees thrive and flourish.
Honouring the Seasons of Life and Business
For a company to thrive and individuals to excel, purpose, dedication, and proactive engagement are essential. We understand that success is not arbitrary; it requires deliberate action.
Just as nature follows its seasonal patterns, businesses undergo phases of growth and occasional slowdowns. Similarly, our personal lives follow rhythms vital to our overall well-being. Seasons symbolize life's diverse experiences—its highs and lows, transitions, losses, and moments of joy and celebration. Yet, in the pursuit of success, and progress, many leaders ignore these natural cycles, bypassing the necessary periods of review to reflect and regenerate, eagerly anticipating the next opportunity for growth.
None of us are immune to life's 'winters'—times of dimmed vision and waning vitality, typically triggered by setbacks, overwhelm, or loss. When such periods occur restoration and renewal are needed but often ignored, leading to burnout or survival. Yet, akin to nature's winter, this phase is pivotal for fostering resilience and allowing space for healing and rejuvenation. Leaders and their teams require adequate support to navigate through such challenging times, whether at the individual, team, or organizational levels. The recent pandemic exemplified such a need, where many struggled to cope with profound losses, and periods of isolation.
We believe that this approach is fundamental to a new era of leadership—one that fosters heightened awareness and responsiveness to these natural cycles by cultivating more compassionate leadership. Our programmes equip individuals and teams with the necessary resources, tools, and skills to navigate through all seasons with resilience and purpose, recognizing that life and business evolve in cycles and seasons, each integral to both human flourishing and business prosperity.

"Just as autumn leaves fall to make way for new growth, a true leader knows that letting go of the old is the first step to meaningful transformation."
-Karen Downes