Karen joins Jeanine van Seenus on the New Generation Women show

At the end of October, The Flourish Initiative Founder and CEO, Karen Downes joined host and founder Jeanine van Seenus on her New Generation Woman show - a new media platform for 40+ women.

Here’s what Jeanine said about her interview with Karen:

“An absolutely heart touching, bold & honest Talk with Karen Lee Downes. She is an expert in Conscious Leadership & Culture Change and the CEO of ‚The Flourish Initiative‘ in London.

9 Million Dollar Business, Single Mom, a mover and shaker in the business world AND full of heart, vulnerability, honesty & power.

For all 40+women and female leaders, who have been through the rocky journey of being pioneers as working moms and, or female leaders, this is your talk. Please join us and share your comments. We are not alone in this.”

Watch the interview here, and let us know what you think:


‘If you are thirsty you must drink. Do not go to the well looking to teach others to drink’


Climate Change and Consciousness