Leading with Grace and Resilience with Thais Corral: Regenerating Ecosystems and Communities

Power, position and control have long been sought after by those with ambition and drive - in the past these were seen as the attributes of strong and great leaders. However, in the past months in these times of crises it’s not power, position or control that has provided the bedrock of great leadership; it’s those who have made a commitment to live their life in line with their values, to act upon what matters most to them and stand for what they believe in. Such leaders have developed a deep level of self-awareness through inner work, challenged themselves to go beyond their inherited beliefs, broken through social stigmas and norms, and built a capacity that has enabled them to hold criticism and judgement without being crushed, to live their truth and stand for what they believe in. Such is the way of great leaders who, at some point, have made a stand for themselves and, in so doing, enabled others to stand with them. The women in this webinar series foster our imagination of what's possible when we take our lives into our own hands and choose to live by our own rules - they provide the type of leadership where people around them flourish. This is what I call ‘Leading with Grace and Resilience’.

Over the coming weeks, Founder of The Flourish Initiative and co-founder of FemmeQ, Karen Lee Downes, will be speaking with some of the incredible women she has worked with, is inspired by, or whom she has come to know and respect. Each woman is living life on her own terms, in line with her values, and embodying virtues. All are unique and different. These conversations will not offer a ‘how to’ be a great leader, but, instead, a deep insight as to what it takes to lead life authentically and audaciously.

At times you will find yourself in their stories, be blown away by the radical choices they’ve made that perhaps you could never imagine doing, or might be inspired to do so now. Some are healers, others entrepreneurs, changemakers, academics, spiritual leaders and warriors. This is an international and intergenerational guest list. One of the many things these women have in common is they are all committed to bringing their unique qualities and strengths in everything they do to make the world a better place.

About Thais Corral

Thais Corral is a social innovator with more than three decades of experience working in environment and gender. She is the founder of REDEH (Human Development Network), CEMINA (Communication, Education and Information) and WEDO (Women’s Environment and Development Network). Sinal do Vale represents a synthesis of her experience and learning in her career. She believes the quality of consciousness of a leader is as important as his or her technical capacities. This led her to create a space where change agents could get hands-on experience in an environment where diversity and authenticity are cultivated. Thais holds a master in Public Administration by the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and on International Development by the United Nations University.


Leading with Grace and Resilience with Rebecca Lee Day: The Road Less Travelled


Humanity Rising Day 116: Bouncing Beyond - Day 3: Harmony